Saturday, November 15, 2008

i like u move it move it

ok after all im moving.

goodbye blogspot.

am i ready?

ok just finished my ecdis, last tango. electronic chart display and information system.

will be in force in 2012.

yeah misc ships fitted with ecdis are all rubbish maybe. still have to carry those paper charts which every single one of them cost for 50usd. if u carry 1000 paper charts?

ah bodo la, i collide twice during the simulator exercises. i was navigating with two guys, one from apmm and one chief officer from american eagle tankers. so i expect him to take charge, but he resisted by telling me that he will just observe. what the fuck. bout the apmm guy, sorry i didn't trust him, he dont even know what the true motion and relative motion of the radars display so what can i expect from him?

and to seri, happy belated birthday, sorry for this late entry and late wish. been busy lately.

puteri zamrud is now docking in mmhe, i want to request to sign on that ship. hopefully.

im just tired, with everything. i just want to say, fuck you. thank you.


Saturday, November 8, 2008

samri nasir 2 rafael da silva 1

sila ejek penyokong setan merah yang berdekatan dengan anda. trimas!

Just a piece of SHIT that u have to know!

1. do they float?
2. how hard are they?
3. how much do they weigh?
4. how often do u evacuate?
5. which color are ur shit?
6. do ur shits smell?
7. how are ur shits shaped?


sooner or later

everyone ought to experience this, that's life and u're entitled for it. its just another thing if i have another life, and i'd probably have done that same mistakes, just sooner.


be a gunner be a gooner.
be a man be a fan.

emirates tonight, arsenal's looking for their another defeat.
whoever wins, we lose haha.

who has the vision of cesc fabregas? the lungs of ray parlour? the pace of robert pires? the finishing of dennis bergkamp?

bring it on ronaldo, that's my boy.

*lucky bastard worth more than 40 millions pounds. yea! haha*

small world

just now, half past 12, i just finished downloading a movie. eg the best war movie ever.

i felt like eating pringles while watching that movie, so i started the car and went to a 24hrs seven eleven.

i didnt have my spect or my lens on, so im kinda cant recognize any thing or person, i just head for any red color snacks, so i grabbed one.

then someone spoke off my name,

"am ke?"

blur. oh damn, it was iza.

it took some times before i could recognize her.

that girl i knew during secondary school. she looks like some sort of pan asian girl.

damn, again.

ah itu cerita lama.

i wanted to ask her cell's numebr, but it just cant go outta my mouth.

tomorrow, same time, same place. gonna try my luck lol xD

dont mess with my ass.

Friday, November 7, 2008

we are geeks

to all kids working in their own garage, we are probably promising business prospects xD

i was on my way to my MATES house, when suddenly someone shouted at me.

oh its him, im not really arrived at his house.

kat taman permainan.

BIG LAUGH from him oo yeah slaughter is the best medicine ;p

with his shirt GOD OF WAR

with his girl kat taman mainan

asal boleh je ek?

*hantuk kepala kat dinding*

he's a bitter guy, watch him walk away.


i was just full of passion cracking an email client from google thought of it might contains some information about credit card, debit card of maybe paypal. or maybe rapidshare.

nah u tried this. username morganafc[at]gmail[dot]com passwd avalon.

i dont mind cos i feel like giving up.

yah it contains some useful infos about all i mention above.

but u might get screwed finding all in russians! even the rapidshare account. lol

u can try if u want. haha

=( penat. night.

ps dunt let me get into ur email ;p nah dun worry as long as u dun have any online transaction details ^,~

kevin mitnick

A splendidly tangled tale of intrigue, darkside hacking and skewed human relationships - the Kevin Mitnick/Tsutomu Shimomura affair is an incredible story that is still unwinding. The story riveted Americans when it broke early in 1995, and continues to play out today.

Mitnick was released on January 21, 2000 (having spent 5 years in jail) and Shimomura and John Markoff have reportedly profited handsomely from respectively apprehending him and telling the tale in a book and screenplay. Is Kevin Mitnick a dangerous criminal apprehended by an ingenious high-tech detective? Or a sad, if annoying, loner who was set up by shrewd manipulators cashing in on Internet hype?

Acts by Kevin Mitnick

* Using the Los Angeles bus transfer system to get free rides
* Evading the FBI
* Hacking into DEC system(s) to view VMS source code (DEC reportedly spent $160,000 in cleanup costs)
* Gaining full admin privileges to an IBM minicomputer at the Computer Learning Center in LA in order to win a bet
* Hacking Motorola, NEC, Nokia, Sun Microsystems and Fujitsu Siemens systems
* Wiretapped FBI agents according to John Markoff, although denied by Kevin Mitnick.


* Stole computer manuals from a Pacific Bell telephone switching center in Los Angeles
* Read the e-mail of computer security officials at MCI Communications and Digital
* Wiretapped the California DMV
* Made free cell phone calls
* Hacked SCO, PacBell, FBI, Pentagon, Novell, CA DMV, USC and Los Angeles Unified School District systems.

Woz, a legendary hacker who built blue boxes –- telephone hacking devices –- with Steve Jobs before the pair launched Apple, presented Mitnick with a brand-new Titanium PowerBook as a parole graduation present.

Woz actually bought Mitnick two PowerBooks. The first one he lent to a friend in the hospital, but he hadn't yet gotten it back.

cool huh?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

bon voyage

ok sorang mates aku akan blah jap lg. signin on lng/c ss seri anggun. probably the largest lng carrier. saspek ar.

aku cam sdey2 sket pon ade, sket plak de tolong aku kat alam, kat kl, even time onboard ss aman hakata and ss puteri firus. even stranded shore leave kat japan pon.

dan aku sedih gak ar member sesame belajar, deskmate, even cam ade persaingan kat situ. and even grad aku cam segan n sorry 4 him die tak dpt jam nautica nih, lg sikit je kot cgpa die, sesame kantoi meniru assessment meteorology sem 1, sket plak de tlg bg toyol time xm, except final xm ar.

even main bola sesame tiap ptg, ragbi same same jatuh same same sakit, hoki pon huhu.

and thanks byk2 ar, ade umur jumpe lg, ade rezeki kita amek exam first class coc mates & master sesame. aku igt ar one night before oral kita struggle exam capt aizuddin, sampai rabak gile. dan same same bangga pass oral, capt aizuddin kot? sket plak orang sangkut ngan die? lucky kan kita?

tak kita bukan lucky, kita memang excellent. lol.

ha panjang umur kan die dah call..

orait, 2245 take off, transit at singapore, then direct cairo. ok la ade member, on dgn chief officer and 3rd engineer.

k ar dok, anything thru amos la k, email orait kot.

last but not least, bon voyage!

dear 3rd/off Izhar,
welcome onboard.

aku nangis kot!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Friends come and go.

ok mereka pergi lagi.

zai sign on seri angkasa
bob and singh on puteri nilam satu
pace mane ek?
kaero and faiz farhan on seri bakti
bris seri anggun


Monday, November 3, 2008

Rapidshare arsehole

Rapidshare, the popular file hosting service, has announced a drastic cut of Premium Account download volumes from 10Gb/day to 2.66Gb/day (80Gb/month). The premium account subscription price, however, remains the same as before.

Note that these limit cut applies only to new subscriptions and extensions, so you get the same limits (10Gb/day) till your next renewal.

Another important change is that anonymous files, which are directly uploaded via the web interface without any login, can now only be downloaded 10 times. There is no such limit if you upload files via a free Collector’s account.

2 gig per day? what the hell?

What's up mates? Have a great show!

What the fuck of british accent are u talking? After 20 years u are no longer an american?

Featuring the naked drummer! haha

Im a bitter guy.. take me away..

Shut it down, bounce it up!


Nak sniper satu!

Captain Vasily Grigorevich Zaytsev (March 23, 1915–December 15, 1991) was a Soviet sniper during World War II, notable particularly for his activities between November 10 and December 17, 1942 during the Battle of Stalingrad. He killed 225 soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht and other Axis armies, including 11 enemy snipers.[1] Prior to 10 November, he had already killed 32 Axis soldiers with the standard-issue Mosin-Nagant rifle.[1] Between October 1942 and January 1943, Zaytsev had made 242 verified kills,[2] but the real number may be much higher;[3] some argue it might have been as many as 500.[4] His military rank at the time was Junior Lieutenant.

Baek mat enemy at the gates. Dkat kol 7pg dah. Selamat malam!

Go British Go! We are England. Lol

What a dramatic end. Sangat dramatic pon lah. wa sgt emosi kot.

Massa takyah cite lah. Ferrari tuh pakai engine kapal terbang kot? Lead dari awal. Laju gile kot.

Wa Hamilton dowh, british. haha. Mclaren Mercedes.
Starting ngan slippery surface, naseb baek ar hamilton wa tuh tak tergelincir.

71 laps total.
Hamilton needs at least the fifth spot to remains as world champion while Massa needs to finish first while Hamilton ended up worst than 5th to become champion.

Lagi 5 lap. Massa macam the flash kat depan. Time split dengan 2nd Alonso pon dekat 10 seconds.
Ok, awan mendung dah berarak. And most of them dah 2 kali masok pit. And Raikkonen gambling masok pit without refuelling his tank, semata2 nak block Hamilton. Gile ah strategy ferrari.

Ok, sume masok pit lagi for their 3rd times, changed their tyres utk condition hujan kot.

Massa stil mcm kilat kat depan mencanak2 over 300 km per hour speed die mantains.

Tinggal lagi 2 lap, rilex saje hamilton tuh bodo kene potong. Tros no 6, mcm mane nak menang?
TINGGAL 2 LAPS sahaja.

Ok Massa dah completed. Die menang GP nih, but not yet as world champion.

Hamilton bersesak2 lg kat no 6.
Time nih takyah cite la team Ferrari dah bertempik besilat kat pit derang. Ingat derang dah mng world champion.

It was at the final corner kot when Hamilton took over the the 3rd spot Toyota powered driver Timo Glock. Mamat nih leh kerek nak tanak masok pit, stay with his dry tires. And he lost 18 seconds.

Masih lagi di corner terakhir, dah nampak dah chequered flag. Bendera hitam putih tuh.

Sume orang dah igt hamilton no 6, sume orang dah igt Massa world champion.

Skali lex saje Hamilton potong mamat toyota, tros ngam2 no 5.
Terkesima Ferrari, menangis Felipe Massa.

It was fun to watch Ferrari team jumping and jumping without realising Hamilton took everything from them in just a few seconds.

Ok announcing the youngest F1 champion from Great Britain Lewis Hamilton. Tak mcm lebih satu point je sbnanye.

Mmg rabak gile la final 2 laps tuh. Aduyai. Ngan hujan nye lagi,

Well for Massa, hats off. U're really a great guy, he knows how to win and how to accept his gracious defeat.

Wa nak jd rakyat England dowh!

Btw cuba teka ape tulis kat helmet hamilton?
Johnie Walker mat..

"behind every great man, are greater friends!"

Love or lust?

Atas nama cinta, hadirlah syahwat utk mengalirkan adrenalin dan endorfin.
Atas nama tidak cinta, mengamuk lah die kalau sentuh tak pasal2.

Aku bertanya kepada seorang rakan,
Kenapa lu broke up ngan bf lu dok? kan die jenis baik2? leh buat laki doh.

Gayekan gaya tidak berperasaan aku.

Jawapnya, dia akui lelaki itu baik dan setia tetapi dia tidak ada perasaan mendalam. Dia bagi contoh, “kalau duduk bersebelahan, aku tiada perasaan untuk bersentuhan dengannya. Langsung.”

Wa tekejot mat. Aku terkesima. Ecey. Bagi aku, itu lust, bukannya deep feeling, or love.

Aku rasa mungkin kerana dia pun jenis yang baek2, perasaan love itu ada, tapi tidaklah sampai berpegangan.

"Tak, dulu dengan ex lama ada juga hold hand, perasaan itu ada bila ada deep feelings, nnt kau tau lah"

Aku terkesima buat kali ke 2, sampai sekarang.

Betul kot perempuan ni syahwatnya pada perasaan, mcm lirik lagu Buttons. Tak payah denga lagu kot, tgk artist je suda. xD
Tapi self control itu yang membezakan kita.

Dan satu lagi aku rasa virginiti itu tidak lagi relevan, mungkin aku suka berbicara perkara 'dewasa' dan bergurau 'nakal'. tapi aku bukan jenis yang begitu. realitinya. poyo xD

Memang pun aku rasa Megan Fox itu seksi, lebih2 lagi bila dia memasak. Tapi takde pon berfantasi mau bersentuhan.

Biarpun dia seksi, belum tentu dia frigid kot?

Bodohla entry ni, sudala, aku nak tgk F1.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

To Jacob

Lex dok, gunners memang sampah, spurs pon gile babeng gak sebat liverpool. haha.

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for your payment and we appreciate your business.

We have received your full payment and payment details form. Unfortunately,
Rapidshare AG is currently facing an internal difficulty and that was the
reason we were not able to respond to your email. Once we have settled this
matter, we will send your account details to this email address immediately.
We are working hard to overcome this matter.

We are really sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you for your patient.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any other inquiry.
Thank you for your understanding
Warm Regards

Btw, lu nak usha file rapidshare search kat

Movie and series mmg no hal, wa suggest lu download pakai internet download manager (idm) leh search kat google.
Better than download accelerator and flashget. boleh pause and resume downloads.

Kalau lu nak download games, better try lu nye specs dulu kat sini. utk check compatibility laptop ko ngan games yg ko nak download, kalau pass baru la cun.

K mates.


Wan, sorry gile la, tak meant langsung, really. Dah delete entry tuh.

Sorry. Am.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

bob the builder n bab the babler ver 2

tau x 2 ekor si kembar ni sgt comel? takut nak kene mandi haha

Operation Valkyrie

I can't wait for this new movie, I did some searching around the wikipedia.

I watched "Killing Hitler" from discovery Channel few years ago. I think they just relate to each other.

Tom Cruise as Staffaunberg, planned a plot against Hitler to kill him with some conspirators and form a new government. It was at the peak of WWII.

But failed, it was at a meeting when Staffaunberg placed a bomb, hoping when it detonates would have Hitler killed, but Hitler was only injured.

About 500 ppls were hung like a rabbit when Hitler discovered this plot.

Ah tak sabarnye to watch this movie =(

I told my frens that I badly wanna be an army. Tanak la prebet. Like schoolboy, educated from school of sniper.

There was a history, during a war against frenchman and englishman. Dulu-dulu, derang perang kan mcm beratur sederet pastu tembak beramai2.

That time, snipers are all they fear most.

Time tuh jarak still jauh lg, and of the the french commander said to his line up,

Macam matador la gak, but matador for spanish army kot.

"With this distance, they can't shoot down an elephant!"

But one of the sniper denied him,
Dia kene tembak kat tekak mat, mati on the spot.

Style kan, best mat jadi camtu, bawak jet fighter ke? jd macam dog fight. Ni jadi driver kapal, ingat capt jack ke ape.

At least kalau mati pon, die in honour kot, takde la mati mabuk eksiden tepi longkang tepi jalan. Dengan kandungan alkohal 15% dalam darah. Haha.

Mati syahid pon style gak, tp mcmane?


Kalau malas msg gua, takyah la nak msg. Bikin panas siak. Sakit sial hati.


I was surfing when I stumbled to my high school webpage. (laman sesawang they call it) haha

Quite a nice page, php based, nicer than what we did last time with lotsa info. Lol.

I was quite amazed with all those recent performances either in sports as well as educationa. Even last year spm result the over ranked mckk n tkc.

And trademark of hockey and rugby, they won the national level. (sbp je lah)

N those picture, the school looks better now, seem like they did some modification to the DSK (Dewan Sri Karyawan).

But that's not my point here.
When I look to the list of the teachers, I just can't stop laughing, until now when I see this name

Kamarudin bin Bachok.

Peh tak tahan mattt. Guru pendidikan jasmani yang paling hebat. Punye la lame gua pk ape name budak2 ni panggil die. At last dpt pon. b a g a k. Abg gonjeng no 3. haha


There are certain types of operating system. For sure microsoft windows is just the best thing and for my part i hate vista much for using so much resources. U know how vista looks like, neat and tidy but hell no.

Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu are latest Linux open source versions. Like 98, me, xp, vista as well as OS X tiger, cheetah, leopard etc etc. But Linux also got more previous version like red hat and fedora 4, 5 ,6. Ah what the heck.

If u are talking bout games, get ur ass out of Linux's world.

And now I was just completed deleting my windows xp on my macbook and installed Linux Ubuntu. Now I'm running OSX and Ubuntu. Chill.

The worst part of Linux is about installing your drivers. They use some sort of commands even when u want to partition ur hard drive. And one thing for sure they dont support wireless networking. So no wifi when running Ubuntu. And the Gnome are much more smarter than windows. Even looks like a mac.

Nah don't give a damn bout what I'm crapping about. Just njoy the experience of Linux. U can look for some instructions around the net if u're interested of installing ubuntu on ur pc. Yeah sure u can run both uBuntu and windows u just have to choose which one when ur pc boots.

Some advantages of running Linux; security. And everything is a freeware, as it's an open source. And it runs faster than win xp even on ur 1 Gb processor with 256ram.

Ok that's all for now. Sleepy.


Wa ni, ade mcm takde. Takde pon takpe..


Pada zaman dahulu ada seorang raja, raja itu cacat, dia hanya mempunyai mata satu.
Pada saat ulang tahunnya dia meminta pada pengawalnya untuk dicarikan para pelukis yang handal. Setelah didapatnya para pelukis itu, disuruhlah dia untuk melukis wajah sang raja.

Pelukis yang pertama, dia melukis raja apa adanya, dibuatnya pada kanvas seorang raja yang mempunyai mata satu, raja marah karena tidak terima, maka dibunuhlah pelukis itu.

Pelukis yang kedua, dia melukis raja itu dari samping, sehingga raja tidak kelihatan cacatnya, tapi raja tetap marah, lalu dibunuhnya lagi pelukis itu.

Pelukis yang ketiga, dia sudah sangat ketakutan, tetapi dia punya ide yang cemerlang, sedikit demi sedikit dia menyelesaikan lukisannya, raja sangat senag akan lukisannya, karena dia melukis raja dengan pose raja sedang menembak!

Tak klaka pon la cite ni, bongok.