Saturday, November 8, 2008

Just a piece of SHIT that u have to know!

1. do they float?
2. how hard are they?
3. how much do they weigh?
4. how often do u evacuate?
5. which color are ur shit?
6. do ur shits smell?
7. how are ur shits shaped?



badrul munir said...

1. do they float?
x tenggelam je dalam toilet bowl
2. how hard are they?
x pernah plah aku pegang, kalu cirit musti lembik kan...
3. how much do they weigh?
x de keje nak timbang
4. how often do u evacuate?
4 ari sekali dowh.. pelikkan
5. which color are ur shit?
emas ke hitam2man wekkk
6. do ur shits smell?
ader ke tahi wangi?
7. how are ur shits shaped?
macam tahi arrr..

Anonymous said...

interested tol ko dgn taik. wek!!

Anonymous said...

hehehe..its all about SHIT! owh SHiT!!view my blogy2... hehe..