Saturday, November 1, 2008

Operation Valkyrie

I can't wait for this new movie, I did some searching around the wikipedia.

I watched "Killing Hitler" from discovery Channel few years ago. I think they just relate to each other.

Tom Cruise as Staffaunberg, planned a plot against Hitler to kill him with some conspirators and form a new government. It was at the peak of WWII.

But failed, it was at a meeting when Staffaunberg placed a bomb, hoping when it detonates would have Hitler killed, but Hitler was only injured.

About 500 ppls were hung like a rabbit when Hitler discovered this plot.

Ah tak sabarnye to watch this movie =(

I told my frens that I badly wanna be an army. Tanak la prebet. Like schoolboy, educated from school of sniper.

There was a history, during a war against frenchman and englishman. Dulu-dulu, derang perang kan mcm beratur sederet pastu tembak beramai2.

That time, snipers are all they fear most.

Time tuh jarak still jauh lg, and of the the french commander said to his line up,

Macam matador la gak, but matador for spanish army kot.

"With this distance, they can't shoot down an elephant!"

But one of the sniper denied him,
Dia kene tembak kat tekak mat, mati on the spot.

Style kan, best mat jadi camtu, bawak jet fighter ke? jd macam dog fight. Ni jadi driver kapal, ingat capt jack ke ape.

At least kalau mati pon, die in honour kot, takde la mati mabuk eksiden tepi longkang tepi jalan. Dengan kandungan alkohal 15% dalam darah. Haha.

Mati syahid pon style gak, tp mcmane?


Kalau malas msg gua, takyah la nak msg. Bikin panas siak. Sakit sial hati.

1 comment:

me said...

well, i dun know what to say