Friday, October 31, 2008

number 1

1. Men are NOT mind readers.

1. Learn to work the toilet seat.
You’re a big girl. If it’s up, put it down.
We need it up, you need it down.
You don’t hear us complaining
about you leaving it down.

1. Sunday sports It’s like the full moon
or the changing of the tides.
Let it be.

1. Crying is blackmail.

1. Ask for what you want.
Let us be clear on this one:
Subtle hints do not work!
Strong hints do not work!
Obvious hints do not work!
Just say it!

1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers
to almost every question.

1. Come to us with a problem only
if you want help solving it. That’s what we do.

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible
in an argument.
In fact, all comments become
Null and void after 7 Days..

1. If you think you’re fat, you probably are.
Don’t ask us..

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways
and one of the ways makes you sad or angry,
we meant the other one

1. You can either ask us to do something
Or tell us how you want it done.
Not both.
If you already know best how to do it,
just do it yourself.

1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever
you have to say during commercials..

1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions
and neither do we.

1. ALL men see in only 16 colors,
like Windows default settings.
Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color.
Pumpkin is also a fruit.
We have no idea what mauve is.

1. If it itches, it will be scratched.
We do that .

1. If we ask what is wrong and you say ‘nothing,’
We will act like nothing’s wrong..
We know you are lying,
but it is just not worth the hassle.

1.. If you ask a question you don’t want an answer to,
Expect an answer you don’t want to hear.

1. When we have to go somewhere,
absolutely anything you wear is fine… Really .

1. Don’t ask us what we’re thinking about unless
you are prepared to discuss topics

such as football or F1.

1. You have enough clothes.

1. You have too many shoes.

1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!

Yeah I know, if I have a wife. I might sleep on the couch tonight lol xD


Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for contacting us and we appreciate your business.

We have received your payment details and we will review it soon. You do not need to submit your payment details again. Once we have received your payment, we will issue your account instantly and will send you the details via email.

Please note that we are not responsible for any delay caused by the banks.

* Relax Mates, wa dah bayar siot, tp tak dpt2 lg. Mcm kena kenceng je. Haha

Bob dah sign on. Setannye keling tu, padahal anta c.o.c saing. Memang bob si penjaga loceng ar. Kecik plak cable.

Kan bagus kalau dah submit c.o.c before 15hb, before closing, at least skang dah boley joli sane joli sini. Duh.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


a buddy of mine wanted to sell his canon eos 400d. complete with all lenses and bodies. reger boleh kaotim. tak sampai setahun lg. sory ar gua tolong advertise saja, sbb gua mmg tak mampu lagi. geha. ciao.


gua pon igt nak jual la macbook ni. 2.4 ghz intel core duo (white), 4gb ram, 4mb cache, 160gb hdd, glossy screen, condition cun. haha. accessories lengkap wa bg ngan cooling pad skali. skali dgn apple care protection.

tak tahan tgk macbook version baru dol.


wa nye nikon coolpix nak beli? wa igt nak berhijrah ke ricoh.

getting free ipod nano? rapidshare account?

i feel blogging, but i dunno what to tell. k let me tell u sometin. if u wanna get new items, are u dare enough to give a try?

i haven't try to buy anything huge. but i succeed with my one year rapidshare account, still usable until today with 10 gig download limit per day.

i wont tell u step by step, just basics.

create a pay pal account. choose premium if im not mistaken. premium wont ask for ur credit card info.

register to and answer their surveys. for one survey they will pay u 4usd. there are several surveys there. answer all as u want.

collect as much money as u want and then redeem. it will be redeemed into ur pay pal account. ive got 200usd

i bought my rapidshare account this way, by paying thru my pay pal account to rapidshare.

cannot understand? u better give a try.

u can go to utube to see how they bought ipod and many other things there. mostly they hacked the sites. i have no guts for that things.

but my friends got some shirts, notebook, sport rims, helmet, jersey. etc came right in front of their house door. good luck.


the snapshot of my awsurveys account, the latest one after i redeemed the previous sum. 27 usd left, i need at least 75usd to redeem. ahh cube try test sniri lah. ciao.

click here for my referral link, at least i'll get 1.25 usd for any person registered under me. lol xD

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2. Under 'Personal information,' click 'Change security question.'

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yeah cool! now i can get updated with all my ubuntu, mac, and other infos. adsense, blogger, paypal, orkut, etc. thanks for hacking my account lol ;p

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bill Gates Vs Steve Jobs

For sure korang knal Bill Gates kan. So Steve Jobs ialah pelopor Mac. Gua jumpe pics ni mase hopping tadi. Lawak.

Even CEO Steve Balmer pakai Mac.

See, only sorang run Windows on Acer.

Tp yang ni paling sempoi. Chill! Pen & paper. huhu

tp link ni paling seronok win 98 crashed on tv with bill gates. kene gelak mat.

kat sini

i am so mean

"face it, u never gonna make it"
"i dont wanna make it, i just want.."

they said u aint no son of mine...

we're damned after all,
through fortune and flame we fall,
and if u can stay then i'll show u the way,
return from the ashes u crawl.

we all carry on,
when our brothers in arms are gone,
so raise ur glass high for tomorrow we die,
return from the ashes u crawl !

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

nama sebenar dirahsiakan

i put it this way ok, kudut & gendut. haha, berbahagialah korang!
actually they must be separated each other cause they wont agree between them or otherwise akan bergaduh saja. gaha

berdiri gagah sang iMac. tak jatuh ditiup sang bayu. smart gile la. senyum sinis melihat si dell.

the best part of harold & kumar : escape from guantanamo bay.

I fear that I will always be
A lonely number like root three

The three is all that's good and right,
Why must my three keep out of sight
Beneath the vicious square root sign,
I wish instead I were a nine

For nine could thwart this evil trick,
with just some quick arithmetic

I know I'll never see the sun, as 1.7321
Such is my reality, a sad irrationality

When hark! What is this I see,
Another square root of a three

As quietly co-waltzing by,
Together now we multiply
To form a number we prefer,
Rejoicing as an integer

We break free from our mortal bonds
With the wave of magic wands

Our square root signs become unglued
Your love for me has been renewed

"u're a fucking tool!"
"quite Anus"
LoLoLoLoLo xD

light off

try to leave a light on when i’m gone
something i rely on to get home
one i can feel at night
a naked light, a fire to keep me warm
try to leave a light on when i’m gone
even in the daylight, shine on
and when it’s late at night you can look inside
you won’t feel so alone

you know we’ve been down that road
what seems a thousand times before
my back to a closing door and my eyes to the seasons
that roll out underneath my heels
and you don’t know how bad it feels
to leave the only one that i have ever believed in

sometimes it feels like we’ve run out of luck
when the signal keeps on breaking up
when the wires cross in my brain
you’ll start my heart again
when i come along

hey chy thanks for the call, u rise me up ^,^

Monday, October 27, 2008

Bob the builder & Bab the babbler

Fire in my eyes (as being told)

haha. just a lil less conversation.

through the fire and flames we carry on! (96% ok)

ape barang b.y.o.b? bring your own bullshit.

gua dah tau sape paling gembira time wa mcm ni haha. (buat aksi rooney kisses badge man u depan hooligans everton lepas dpt yellow card)


hoh ezla thanks utk makan2 tadi.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Anything your pc can do my mac can do better?

Ever notice how most Mac users are skinny? It's because of all the calories they burn because they can't shut the fuck up about how great their Macs are. What is it about Apple that makes its users unable to shut their mouths? Everywhere I go, there's another asshole with a Mac preaching about how much better Macs are than PCs. They regurgitate lines directly from Apple's marketing campaign, like "it just works." I have the following rebuttals to this argument:

1. If everything on a Mac just works, then why does a website called "Mac fix it" exist, assholes? Here are a few choice topics on

-Login window stuck!
-lower caSe "S" key not working!!
-Menu bar keeps flashing
-I can't drag and drop!

Waaaah, boo hoo! I can't drag and drop! Dumbass. Looks like your Macs aren't perfect after all, which leads me to my second point:

2. Fuck you.

I don't know why Mac users get so defensive when you call them idiots. I mean, Apple is a company that has built its entire user base around the fact that its users can't do simple things like turn their computers on. Hell, most Mac users can't even talk without using their hands, which ranks their intelligence somewhere between a simian and hog shit:

Stupid user base aside, I will never own a Mac. It's not so much that I'm a PC loyalist. I'm not. It's that I'm not stylish enough to own one. Most iPod commercials feature guys with long hair, chicks roller skating, and guys wearing fedoras. I have dandruff, and I buy most of my jeans from a grocery store. I feel like in order to have a Mac, I need to be:

  •  An artist.
  •  In a band.
  •  Unemployed (see above).

  • whatever =)))

    Penarik Beca

    "selama ini, saya menyangka, tiap2 yg memancar, itulah intan, tapi skrang saya sudah silap, kaca pun saya sangka berlian,"

    by Udo Omar.

    Thnx Hazel. Ur tumor is tasty. xD

    "kenapa gila sebelum ditakdirkan? ke langit Hijo skalipun, si Penghina tetap menghina"

    to each his own

    Means that every person is entitled to his or her personal preferences and tastes.

    He was a type of person who trusts people around him easily.
    Optimist, too.

    But seldom agrees with anyone.
    Not to say any factors including high distance between authority and assertiveness.
    High power distance.

    Someone who's a spoilt brat too.

    Guess that's all his weaknesses.
    That's all.

    But due to the extent necessary,
    Everything went wrong. Flip flop, inside outside inner outer.

    He hates him, he hates her. He screwed him, he screwed her.

    Look, there's another guy, with one thought he hold beneath his tounge.

    Don't trust anybody.

    This guy turns to be his best friend. Once upon a time.
    Yeah when u are good enough, just keep silent. Let ur name speaks for you.

    As well as when u killed a prime minister. Gaha.

    'he' is me.

    And so if I hate u, If i talk bad things bout u, u can proceed the same way too. like i care.
    Because u dont need me in ur whole life.
    Even in ur next reincarnation. (if happen so)

    U may try to sleep in a coffin ur size to remove all that bad karma.
    May sound silly, may sound like a fuckin ritual.
    Nothing's free, for u who are selfish enough.
    Cause u may cure from ur cancer and lost someone u care.
    Nah, if any, told ya if u're fuckin selfish.
    Dont try this at home.

    I'm writing this letta, and wishing u well.
    Momma, we all go to hell.

    Saturday, October 25, 2008

    come clean

    i : we need to talk
    u : okay
    i : i think i dun love u anymore
    u : really? kenapa?
    i : i dun know, it just happens
    u : okay
    i : okay ke?
    u : saya faham, it happens
    i : yeah, we need to take a break
    u : so?
    i : kawan je ok?
    u : i wanna fuck u
    i : okay, kawan who fuck each other
    u : cool!
    i : u may fuck someone else la, takkan nak fuck saya je?
    u : u want me to get std? and then u will get std too ok
    i : find someone who is clean
    u : cakap pandai la
    i : yeah
    u : u wanna fuck someone else?
    i : i might
    u : who?
    i : i dun know okay
    u : okay, lets fuck now
    i : not in the mood
    u : okay
    i : so we are cool rite?
    u : yeah, we're cool
    i : gud, thanks
    u : hey, i still love u
    i : i know


    well that solves the argument then..

    Aristotle, Plutarch, Macrobius and Stephen Hawking once argued..

    The chicken or the egg causality dilemma is commonly stated as "which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

    Chickens hatch from eggs, but eggs are laid by chickens, making it difficult to say which originally gave rise to the other. To ancient philosophers, the question about the first chicken or egg also evoked the questions of how life and the universe in general began.

    Cultural references to the chicken and egg intend to point out the futility of identifying the first case of a circular cause and consequence. It could be considered that in this approach lies the most fundamental nature of the question, for a literal answer is somewhat obvious, as opposed to the logical fallacy of the metaphorical view, which sets a metaphysical ground on the dilemma.

    So, to understand its metaphorical meaning better, it could be reformulated as follows:

    "Which came first, X that can't come without Y, or Y that can't come without X?"

    So I wonder, do u know how we came to earth? this universe?


    behind every great man are?

    they say,
    greater woman.
    let me correct that.

    behind every great man stand greater friends.

    i dunno where i did wrong.
    whether i lost my soul, or whether i can't face the fact.
    tho the fact isn't fake.
    enough bullshit.

    sorry guys.

    this is neither about anybody or anyone.
    this is about me.

    mouseover to read

    one day later

    seems like i have lotsa to say but after all there's nothing left actually. i can sense her happiness anyways. well, happy birthday. oh, happy belated birthday friend.

    * edited due to owner's request. sorry. the very 1st picture of her that i got. i stole from her fs account few years back then. chill.

    Friday, October 24, 2008

    I wish she can replace Hannah Montana XD

    Hey this is my number one and only youtube artist. catch her tight. Mia Rose.
    She even sings my chemical romance songs. Damn.

    There's a teddy bear everytime she strums the guitar. how sweet xD

    Thursday, October 23, 2008


    Aku menyeru rakyat Sarawak membuat petition agar Jessica Alba dapat anugerah Dato' kerana berlakon sebagai orang Iban dalam Sleeping Dictionary. Ok tak?

    I'm not anti-malay. I'm anti-stupid. And since I'm surrounded by Malays, I tend to see more of their stupidity.

    And then there are people all over the world who play 'hump the white Gods'. Again, your choice, you subservient, self-loathing, brainwashed pieces of shit. Tongue that rectum! Tounge it!White people are just like you and me. There are some great ones, and there are some who are just as fucked up as everyone else. Treating them any different is racism

    At times, when i was down, she just came from below the pavement.

    "not yet am, not yet.."

    don't say a word ;p


    Wednesday, October 22, 2008

    promising youngster

    this is dedicated to this mr mat jambu, welshman mr aaron ramsey.

    in his first debut for arsenal at 17 years old, he scored the fifth goal against fenerbahce with such a beautiful strike from outside the box.

    and silenced the crowd of istanbul.

    thus becoming the youngest player to score in the european cup superseded fabregas.

    Great together. Either u become a Legend,

    or Loser.


    great together, very superior old pale

    die Meister
    die Besten
    les Grandes Equipes
    the Champïons

    yeah man u defeated celtic 3 nil
    arsenal 5-2 over fenerbahce
    real lost tu juventus 2-1 hard luck

    and suddenly im kinda missing my batchmates, n sgt puas hati pon lah dpt main futsal ngan korang semalam.


    kalau ijat tgk mesti die suke. siol jiwang. haha


    bob thnks open hse
    daya thnks open hse
    bris thnk merempit
    aweks thnks payung tipu kanan tipu kiri
    aweks lg thnks payung maxx payne
    awek bris thnks payung teh o suam kat s9
    thanks nasi lemak sri has mmg sedap gilak sambal lu kalau wa dok klang ari2 wa sampai ujan tak ujan walaupun byk lipas kat dinding, tikus lumbe lari, harap je kucing besepah
    kak mawar yg cantik gile sbb igt kat gua
    kak baizura yg bercuti sbb menyusahkan kitrang
    en khairudin yg baek
    kakak jage level 18 dayabumi yg bajek hot sbb bagi ketas a4 byk2
    kawan awek bris yg bawak balak naik myvi hitam
    pacai n kerol sbb layan main futsal kire orait kite menang kot oh yeah
    mak bris yg masak sedap
    mr hasim nor hamzah yg bawak kete time nak pakai moto yg bawak moto time nak pakai kete
    driver train ktm
    driver putra lrt
    penjual postal order rm20
    and to ijat jgn lupe ok ur chin, ur chest! muahahaha. cibai takle blah bodo
    eh dala gua penat kot!


    wan, sory tak dpt pegi open house, i byk hal nak settle, kate nak double up watch ngan azri. peace

    dah la gua takde mood nak bloging. pegi mampos sume orang!

    Saturday, October 18, 2008

    Bobo's open house.

    ok today's ade open house kat bobo's punye umah. err, no pics to shows. pening pening pening.. mcmane coc nih.. mcmane endorsement nih.. aih..

    Jangan Bilang Tidak

    ku pernah punya cinta namun kini ku sedang suka kamu
    cintaku dulu tlah kubuang jauh kini ku ingin kamu

    ku pernah menyendiri di sini ku akan terasa sepi
    walaupun bibir penuh gelak tawa namun hatiku sepi

    jangan bilang tidak bila kita belum mencoba
    siapa yang tahu akan sama hatimu dan juga hatiku
    banyak yang bercinta bertahun-tahun putus juga
    kuharapkan dengan dirimu walaupun singkat pendekatan
    cinta kita kan abadi

    ku pernah punya cinta namun kini ku sedang suka kamu
    cintaku dulu tlah kubuang jauh kini ku ingin kamu

    jangan bilang tidak bila kita belum mencoba
    siapa yang tahu akan sama hatimu dan juga hatiku
    banyak yang bercinta bertahun-tahun putus juga
    kuharapkan dengan dirimu walaupun singkat pendekatan

    jangan bilang tidak waktu dicium aku bingung
    namun dada ini bergetar
    makanya sungguh aku mohon
    jangan bilang tidak

    Wa kemaruk lagu nih mat.. ciao.

    Do it yourself

    Nak rembat wireless jiran sebelah? wireless kolej? DIY.

    Get a wireless usb, get some long distance usb wire, boleh pakai kuali astro, direct tu source. tp longer wire=more resistance. so signal maybe tak kuat. and lead to some data loss.

    but sorang student uia buat sampai 10km. rabak eh? bape tinggi parabola die?


    Ini koala. bukan koala lumpur. huhu

    hey take a look, soon to release need for speed:undercover. another legend continues from need for speed most wanted. i have to complete this one, i have to.

    ok fine, another bagpackers series. currently in kl, lotsa things in my head. just arrived, and yet i want to sleeppppppppp...

    where are u sunlight?

    Friday, October 17, 2008

    Time & Tides Await No Man

    We're sown together
    She's born to mesmer
    Beside astride her
    I die inside her
    It's far too sacred
    Don't ever fake it
    Don't, don't, don't let me down

    Like you let me down before
    Like you let me down before

    Wednesday, October 15, 2008

    How to litter train a cat?

    Most cats will train themselves to use a litter box, but what if they seem to "forget" and start using your bed instead? Why is your kitty avoiding the litter box all of a sudden? Retrain them using this guide.


    Make sure the litter box is cleaned daily. Your cat will start using other places if the litter box is too dirty.

    If you have recently changed brands of litter, try changing back. Cats can be picky.

    If your cat has just been declawed, their paws may hurt when they dig in the litter. Try adding some shredded shiny newspaper on top of their regular litter. The shiny newspaper cushions their paws and will not stick to their sensitive paws.

    Put the litter box and your cat in a small room, like a bathroom. Make sure he has plenty of food and water. Check on your cat once an hour. If the cat has eliminated correctly in the box, praise the cat and let them out for some supervised playtime, or give them a treat. Then put them back in the room. Repeat two or three times until it seems that your cat has "gotten it".

    If the cat misses the box, place the feces in the litterbox and do not pay further attention to the cat. Leave the room and check again in an hour.

    If your cat is still avoiding the litterbox, take him to the vet to make sure there is no underlying medical reason for this behavior. Urinary infections, kidney problems or parasites (worms) can be reasons the cat is not using the litterbox.

    Also think of any reasons that there may be some behavioral issues that may cause the cat to 'act up' such as adding another animal or person in the house, changing routines, moving the box to a new location, noise or light changes.. all can be signals that your cat is stressed. A checkup and a discussion with your vet will be helpful to you and your cat!

    P/s. gua dah berjaye trained 2 ekor anak kucing gua. haha. seronok dowh. tak sia2 gua menganggur kat umah gaha XD

    Gua nak pegi kedai jap, shampoo kucing gua dah habis. Ciao.

    Mcm ezla ckp, kucing haiwan kesayangan rasul lol.


    I thought it was a rumor. Everyone on the forum said it was just a rumor. But see, apple just revealed it's new macbook and macbook pro. kimak la. same price for macbook pro but additional 300 usd for macbook. i think maybe it's because of the integrated nVdia gfx on the macbook logic board, so u can play high end video games on macbook! wuah!! but on top of everything, it has aluminium case. so no problem with discolouration or what like being experienced by previous macbook user. any macbook owner can check when their macbook was being produced, which was produced in week 23, 24 and 25 may experience discolouration. u can check through the serial number, the 3rd and 4th consecutive numbers represent the week ur macbook was produced. mine is week 29, meaning july 2008 version. but nevermind, if urs turned into yellowish colour, just get a new one, apple admitted that it is a manufacturing defect. waaa damn damn menyesalllll.. tapi mau jejak rm 6k nih pas convert2 plus shipping price. durh

    Tuesday, October 14, 2008

    Wan Nadzirah Bte Mohd Ali

    Dear WanNad,
    Happy 21st Birthday, hope all ur wishes come true.
    Good luck for ur final exams.
    Hope u last longer with Azri.
    And dont sedey2 ok when Azri is not around =)
    And u're one kind of friend i can keep =p, thanks for everything k, byk sangat tolong hehe.
    She's cute, funny and talkative. Lol. Hope to see u soon. Take care!
    *From left, Azri, Wan, Anja.

    Monday, October 13, 2008

    Anger is only a letter short of danger.

    He who loses money, loses much;
    he who loses a friend, loses much more;
    he who loses faith, loses all.

    Tapikan, baek gile dok faezah ni. cute gile kan die blakon maya sofea? gaha ;pp

    Sunday, October 12, 2008


    Kenapa tibe tibe ade gamba ni? Tgh bahagia mat. haha. Btol la dok, org bahagia skang mmg berubah lol

    k la mates, pepandai korang copy paste sniri.

    Isk bengang gile ah..

    Asal la hamiltion kalah gp japan...

    Wei legob, wa setuju gile ngan ngan ruang vakum jiwamu tu. haha

    Empty can forever / tin kosong selamanya (mok dikecualikan)


    Byk aku nak cakap, tp dah tak tercakap.

    Aku nak bagi anak aku dressing mcm ni ar nnt. Haha.

    Screwed me once shame on you. Screwed me twice shame on me.
    Ahh cibai.

    Saturday, October 11, 2008


    I've been experiencing another problem on my macbook. I've deleted my previous partition containing windows xp, and now I'm stuck while running boot camp to install another win xp.

    * boot camp is an application for mac os x to run win xp.

    So after created another partition, the installer cd just won't boot. Went into a black screen, with a blinking dash at the top left hand side of the screen.

    Ah damn.

    I thought I was having any software or hardware problem. Mac is not like win xp os where u can get the installer disc for just Rm 5. Huhu.

    Luckily I still can access my os x.

    So I browsed through some mac forums. So it seemed like it was a normal problem for most of them. So I got some tips, restart my PRAM. I dunno what the fuck is PRAM. I just cannot remember the abbreviation.

    Just after u restarted ur mac, simply hit command+alt+P+R simultaneously. Worked fine on mac hehe. Maybe u have to hear it 'chimes' for a few times.

    And now, I have bigger partition of win xp and I am busy on this game.

    Assassin's Creed.

    Friday, October 10, 2008


    Ku percaya padamu
    ku percaya padamu
    ku turutimu

    kau mengkhianati aku
    kau permainkan perasaanku
    kau menikam dan meludahku
    kau dekatkan

    sendiriku menangis
    menangis dalam kekecewaan
    ku sendiri
    menangisku ku menangis
    menangis dalam keseorangan

    sendiriku pelajari
    pengalaman hidup sendiri
    ku sendiri
    relakan relakan
    agarku mampu berdiri sendirian…..

    P/s: Watch out for the disasters first public performance. 3 and a half stars reviews from the Junk Magazine. ;p

    Wednesday, October 8, 2008

    And officer and a gentleman.

    This is so not me.
    Gentleman of the first order? Yelah tuh Mr V.P.

    I do not usually re-watch movies. This one is an exception. I have seen this enough that I can recite dialogue.

    I love this movie. I love the ending of this movie it is one of the most, if not the most, romantic endings of all time.

    As well as Annapolis.

    It starts when the music begins to swell. In the scene prior to the last scene. I feel pins and needles. I lean forward. My heart races.

    And then, my eyes well up. Tears rush down my cheeks. I do not wipe them, I relish in the moment.

    Haha cibai exaggerated plak.

    Told cha this is so not me.
    Boleh lah muat turun secara percuma ;p

    What it takes?

    Heh, I badly wanna rock this on. The highest rated music video games ever. Obviously outranked all guitar heroes version. I have rockband, but it takes all gadgets tu rock them on. But this one is out for x box 360. Wut the fish man, I might try this one day, guitar hero just nothing at all. U ain't truly a rockstar when rockin around with a joystick. ROTFL!~

    Hey dude this one just came up for my another wish list. iLuv. Extensions consist of a speaker set and a fm tuner to be incorporated into an iPod.

    This one too, but it's gonna take quite some time through blood and sweat. Oh fuck I adore this d80. Cost about 1283 usd, about 4451.75 malaysian ringgit. damn damn damn. take a glance at its transparent body. whut the...

    And last night, I had a dream. I was driving a civic..

    My bad.

    Hurm, I'm the one who supports all pirates activities, regarding abusing all copyrighted materials. No, I did not copied them and sell to others, I just downloaded them for my own private use. Who doesn't?

    So when downloading a movie such as a dvd rip, it might take at least overnight for the operation to be completed, depends on the internet connection and the leeches, I'm talking about sharing and torrenting. So I'd probably left my desktop with the monitor off while the cpu runs.

    As well as while leeching with my previous notebook I would leave the lid closed while downloading a big size of file. Or files.

    So now I'm downloading Eagle Eye. I've been looking through the System Preferences (If I'm not mistaken Control Panel on Windows) for any default setting that I could change to let my macbook runs while the lid closed.

    For your information, a macbook will enters sleep mode when it's lid is closed. They call it clam shell mode.

    Nah, I also wanted to let my ITunes sings while while I'm sleeping.

    I thought it's just a missing feature or what.

    I thought I missed something and I went thoroughly the help section about this. But I found nothing can help. So I googled around. Guess what I have found?

    Sure, there are some 3rd parties applications that can hack through the mac os x to enable this setting.

    But they are genius. I mean the developers. Actually a mac doesn't have this function at the first place. I read about some people having their mac crashed while leaving their rig runs with their lid's closed.

    Only powerbook can runs this operation. And powerbook is history.

    U know why?
    It's because a macbook, or macbook air, or maybe macbook pro cannot dissipate the heats thus heating the logic board.

    And crashed.

    It's body is made of aluminium.

    So my baby I'm about to sleep, see you tomorrow morning. And I'm leaving you just like this.

    Tuesday, October 7, 2008

    Mawar khayalan

    Semua yang jadi tanda tanya
    Buat hatiku tak keruan
    Dia wajah yang berkeliaran
    Aku, kudamba kehadirannya

    Seluas laut yang terbentang
    Dan buihnya terapung di awangan
    Derita, derita yang mencengkam
    Cuba untuk aku bertahan

    Modenisasi hanya
    Untuk haiwan di rimba
    Globalisasi cuma
    Jadi tuan si hamba
    Monarki untuk apa
    Badut-badut istana



    Kerana Aku Masih Ingat.

    Once a gunner, always a gooner.

    Smart gile kan? haha

    U gotta catch this teaser entry.

    Selamat hari raya to Kolou Toure, Samir Nasri, Frank Ribery, Zenedine Zidane,

    and yet Francesc Fabregas. ;p

    The saviour of the broken, the beaten and the damned.

    You will never live as fool.

    it's not winning that matters, it's about winning in style