Monday, October 6, 2008


Okay. Thanks to God. All the fellas were released free from the Somali's pirates custody with some undisclosed value of money.

And yet the media can't get any info as the plane landed at Subang instead of KLIA. No further words from the victims.

However this year took away quite a big numbers of life throughout this festive eve. Al Fatihah.

Hurm this year raya seems short, I haven't pay any visit to some of my frens, quite sad tho this might be the last one for me. Ah, bullshit.

Last tango.

Ha, aku tau kenapa semua orang sebok tanya aku dah keja ke blom. Tanak bg angpaw la tuh. Haha

"Wei mat jambu, aku suke budak macam kau. Takde wawasan, takde masa depan. Bila susah cari aku, bisnes aku pon maju."

Salam sejahtera!

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